Designed with clarity & practicality in mind

DRIVE measures an individual's natural drive and energy in the way they think, relate and accomplish, giving insight into where they will thrive.

The EngagementFit DRIVE Assessment helps you to:

Manage, develop and engage your employees strengths.

Identify future roles for your employees for maximum engagement.

Improve interpersonal relationships and foster collaboration.

Identify the coaching and development needs of your employees.

Tune in to the EngagementFit DRIVE Podcast

Deep dive into all things DRIVE & unlock your true potential.

What to expect

On completing the DRIVE Assessment, an individual will receive a detailed and practical report on their dominant Drives, and their drainers. This will explain specific natural and sustainable energy, how to manage it and how to navigate their career and life.

The DRIVE Assessment is used for:

Career pathing

Help your employees navigate their careers towards work that inspires them and allows them to make a greater impact.

Succession planning

Understand where your current workforce sits in order to recruit the right talent for future success.

Boosting Development

Fully know your employees and how you can offer individual development so both individuals and the business can thrive.

As a Diagnostic Tool

Identify coaching and development needs for employees in the organization.

A career built on natural Drives and energy

is a career created with clear direction where you will naturally thrive.

Read more about our DRIVE Assessment, and the comprehensive report you will receive when you unlock the full DRIVE report. Partner with EngagementFit and let us help you build an engaged and thriving company culture.